MriyDiy Educational Foundation

Charitable Foundation that researches the best educational practices and implements educational projects for children and adults using modern educational approaches

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About the Foundation

We strive to ensure equal access to quality Ukrainian education and develop partnerships to create a global educational ecosystem where every person can reveal their potential, develop the necessary competencies, dream globally and act based on values.

To achieve this goal, we unite Ukrainian and international specialists, educators, and education experts.

Our activities

Educational analytics

We conduct research in the field of education in Ukraine and abroad and prepare educational analytics

Educational projects

We create and implement international, national, and local educational projects

Educational communities

We create educational communities for the personal and professional development of a person

We promote Ukrainian

We spread the best Ukrainian educational practices in Ukraine and beyond

Our projects


Educational Losses Catch-Up

The project implemented with UNICEF and GPE support, operates in 12 regions of Ukraine and works for 14,000 school students.


Mriydiy Project School

Project School without borders for children and youth aged 10 to 16, which reached 1,400 participants


Mriydiy Educational Center

A platform for education, professional development, and exchange of experience of educators, which during its existence provided services for 3,500 participants


MriyDiy NMT training center in Warsaw

It is implemented by the Mriydiy Educational Cluster in Poland and provides training to 144 students.

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For whom

The Foundation works with Ukrainian children and adolescents of school age, youth, and adults living in Ukraine and abroad.
Our programs are focused on systemic change, so we provide a comprehensive approach, working with children as well as parents, carers, educators, and youth workers.


Network of MriyDiy educational projects

We are part of the MriyDiy Network of educational projects, which aims to transform Ukrainian education and spread the best Ukrainian educational practices in Ukraine and beyond.

The network unites MriyDiy Educational Foundation, MriyDiy Full-Day School and Kindergarten in Lviv, MriyDiy Educational Center for Teachers, MriyDiy Camps, MriyDiy Educational Cluster in Poland.

More than 20,000 children are involved in the network's projects, hundreds of Ukrainian educators from various cities and villages have been trained in innovative methods based on MRIYDIY; dozens of families attend educational workshops here, which are aimed at improving the culture of education and interaction with children.

News & Events

#Educational Cluster
July 21, 2024

The "MriyDiy" Educational Cluster in Poland has successfully completed its project preparing students for the National Multi-Subject Test (NMT).

145 students underwent intensive preparation for the National Multi-Subject Test (NMT) over 6 months at the NMT Preparation Center "MriyDiy." As our test results show, they have significantly improved their knowledge. We wish the Center's students success in passing the NMT and continuing their exciting educational journey. 😍

A heartfelt thanks to our project partner, the Ukraine Children’s Action Project, for their invaluable support and belief in Ukrainian children.

July 8, 2024

The launch of educational centers for addressing educational losses and implementing Project School.

The Educational Foundation “MriyDiy” and Fondazione Terre des Hommes Italia, with the support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, announce a competitive selection of educational teams for the establishment of educational centers focused on overcoming educational losses and implementing Project School.

May 10, 2024

The 3rd season of the MriyDiy Project School is starting on May 18, 2024!

 🎯 What will participants gain from the project?

✅ The opportunity to develop their own projects in various areas, such as social, educational-scientific, and entrepreneurial. ✅ Mentorship from professionals in project management. ✅ Mastery of key aspects of marketing, risk management, and fundraising through motivational lectures and workshops. 🌍 The training is online, so participants can join from anywhere in the world! 💼 Participation in the project is free, and upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate📜.

April 4, 2024

Free in-person classes for addressing educational losses in Kharkiv!

Starting April 8, educational centers will open in Kharkiv, where students in grades 3-10 can catch up on their knowledge in Ukrainian language and mathematics.
Group offline classes will be held twice a week in safe locations with specially equipped shelters.
Register now and help your children make up for lost knowledge!



Ukraine, Kyiv, Naberezhno-Rybalska road, 5-А


+380 93 247 67 99


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